Creating a blog comes with a responsibility and an awareness that not many anticipate prior to hitting the publish button.
I am 100% confident in my ability to embarrass myself on multiple occasions while writing this blog.
Within this blog I will mostly likely write things that reveal my positionality on certain issues or concepts that will inevitably upset certain people.
I will also write things that years down the road, I may disagree with, as I grow older and continue to learn and grow. I really could not imagine beginning this blog any other way. The best way I can describe it is with Dr. Adrienne Keene (Tsa La Gi) of Brown University, who has mentioned on a few occasions this idea of "consenting to learn in public."
Here is a link to her piece about this topic for those that would like to read it. But to summarize what she writes, Dr. Keene states that once she was able to accept this idea of learning in public, she became braver in her writing and hoped that as long as she was her genuine self her readers would continue to follow her journey. I think the decision to create a blog and to share some of your own personal experiences is one that always intrigued me. Mostly because I wanted to know that I wasn't alone. It is a very slippery slope when your mindset encourages you to believe that one is worse off than everyone else. I don't believe that to be true, and do feel that there is a community out there who can relate to me, even if it is in the slightest ways.
In writing this blog, I will be vulnerable. I will be honest. I will also protect myself when necessary and hope you all are willing to bare with me as I continue to live and grow.